

Classes will be teacher led but offer opportunities for collaborative work between the students and the teacher. Classes will include a mixture of set exercises, improvisation and devising activities. Most of the set exercises will be repeated each class so that students have familiar movement sequences each time they come to a session. The majority of the session would be used for improvising, devising or choreographing if working towards a routine. At the end of each session the teacher will lead the students in a cool down, to ensure their bodies are restored to normal before leaving class, whether that is restoring their heart rate and stretching out used muscles after an active class or simply calming them down before leaving if teaching early years.

Complaints procedure: If you have an issue with any aspect of a session or the teacher leading that session there are several ways this could be resolved. Firstly this could be resolved face to face with the teacher, if you do not wish to address the teacher in question you can be referred to other professional bodies within the company and they will help you resolve this issue. All complaints are to be written and recorded for future reference.

Equal opportunities: Every student has the right to participate in our sessions and to be treated as equal within a class, regardless of race, gender, nationality or sexual preference. Each student should be given equal opportunities and receive the same attention from teachers as others.

Vulnerable people: In sessions with early years and primary age as well as the over 60’s and 70’s, extra provisions will be made to ensure all students remain safe and happy when participating in class. If an individual requires any additional requirements, then these would need to be provided and it is down to the teacher to make sure these requirements are in place before facilitating a class.

Data protection: Personal information about students are kept on the company’s computer and will be regularly updated. Photographs of students will not be taken without permission from a parent/guardian if under 18 or permission from the student if over 18. Any photos taken will be kept on the company’s laptop but may be used for advertising the company. All photos will be destroyed after two years.

Please find below a sample date protection consent form:


Blossom Movement: Data Protection Consent form

Blossom Movement recognises its responsibilities under the Data Protection Act 1998. The company must keep some of a student’s personal information in order to contact parents/guardians if needed or to identify any health issues the student may have before taking a class. However, this is stored on the company’s laptop and is frequently updated. Photographs of students may also be used for advertising purposes for the company and its performances. Photos are stored on the company’s laptop and usually updated on a yearly basis, if the company wishes to hold a photograph of a student for a longer period of time this will be discussed with their parents/guardians.

I confirm that I have read the overview of Blossom Movement’s data protection policy and agree to this:

Signed ……………………………………………………… (Parent/ guardian)            Date: ………………………


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